Personal Care Filling Systems
Rotary & Inline Filling Solutions for Personal Care Products: Aerosols, Viscous, & Semi-Viscous Liquids
Pacific offers rotary and inline filling solutions for aerosols, body sprays, facial cleaners, lipstick, deodorant, nail polish, eye drops, and more. The rotary volumetric and inline fillers range from 10 to 600 CPM.
+ Aerosol
+ Light to Semi-Viscous
+ Special Hot Fill
+ Viscous
Aerosol Fillers for Hairspray, Dry Shampoo and more

If accuracy and flexibility are important to your liquid manufacturing process, then it is important to select equipment from a company that specializes in designing fillers versus a company that specializes in other aerosol manufacturing processes (crimping, gassing, etc) and “just happens” to also supply fillers. Best-in-class equipment provides the maximum return on your investment and increased levels of production.
Many of our installations in this application category are contract manufacturers who run a wide variety of sizes and viscosities.
For aerosol applications with higher production speeds, Pacific’s timed-orifice rotary filling machine provides the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of product viscosities and container sizes. The flexibility in Pacific’s rotary liquid filler is a result of our Variable Rate of Product Flow manifold that is standard on our timed-orifice arrangement. As with every Pacific filler, we do not compromise accuracy, which is critical for aerosol products that are typically quite expensive. Many times, the accuracy savings alone over your current filling system will justify the project’s return on investment.
If your high-speed application does not include a wide viscosity range, and accuracy is the most critical requirement, our flow meter filling machine is a proven solution with excellent performance. Note that while the flow meter-based systems are extremely accurate, they cannot be arranged with our Variable Rate of Flow system. Our flow meter-based systems, therefore, do not offer the same price performance per station that comes with the timed-orifice solution.
For slower speed requirements, we also provide inline machines that utilize volumetric or flow meter filling technology.
Our patented top-fill nozzles with displacement style automatic shutoff valves or diving nozzles with Laminar flow screen at the point of discharge provide accuracy and good production capacity on non-foamy liquids. Many of our customers also want to fill foamy products such as windshield washer fluid or diesel additives on the same filling machine. If this is a requirement or future requirement, we can instead arrange the filling system with our bottom-up fill, positive shutoff nozzles. The bottom-up fill nozzle arrangement is slightly more expensive but offers increased production on fewer stations compared to competing fillers.
For applications where zero drip is required, we incorporate a nozzle-based vacuum system into both our top fill and bottom-up fill nozzles.
All of our filling systems are constructed from 304SS. Options include 316 stainless steel filling systems and arrangements for hazardous explosion-proof environments. The filling machine is designed for Clean-in-Place washing and requires minimal maintenance.
Product Examples
Shaving Cream
Sun Screen
Light to Semi-Viscous Fillers for Soaps and Cleansers, Shampoo, Conditioner, Lotion and more

Facial cleansers, body sprays, body wash, stringy shampoos, viscous lotions and conditioners — all examples of the range of products personal care manufacturers and contract packagers can schedule on a single Pacific filler. Not a simple task for an off-the-shelf filler. With a Pacific custom filler, however, running these and other products on our equipment allow customers to maximize line time, production quality and overall efficiency.
Personal care manufacturers with higher production speeds select Pacific’s timed-orifice rotary filling machine for its proven flexibility to accommodate a wide range of product viscosities and container sizes. The flexibility in Pacific’s rotary liquid filler is a result of our Variable Rate of Product Flow manifold that is standard on our timed-orifice arrangement. Most personal care products have very tight profit margins that require customers to maximize their line efficiency. As with every Pacific filler, we do not comprise accuracy, reliability or quality which is your maximum return on investment.
If your high-speed application does not include a wide viscosity range and accuracy is the most critical requirement, our flow meter filling machine is a proven solution with excellent performance. Note that while the flow meter-based systems are extremely accurate, they cannot be arranged with our Variable Rate of Flow system. Our flow meter-based systems, therefore, do not offer the same price performance per station that comes with the timed-orifice solution. They do offer, however, improved accuracy and cleanability
For slower speed requirements, we also provide inline and index filling machines that utilize volumetric or flow meter filling technology. With our index filling technology, we are able to address small volume applications such as eyelash enhancers, eye mascara, eye drops and nail polish.
Most of our customers want to fill foamy products, such as body sprays and facial cleaners on the same filling machine as heavy lotions and shampoos. Given this, we always arrange the filling system with our bottom-up fill, positive shutoff nozzles. The bottom-up fill nozzle arrangement offers increased production on fewer stations compared to competing fillers.
For applications where zero drip is required, we incorporate a nozzle-based vacuum system into our bottom-up fill nozzles.
All of our filling systems are constructed from 304SS with 316SS options available. The filling machine is designed for Clean-in-Place and requires minimal maintenance.
Product Examples
After Shave
Body Wash
Facial Cleaners
Eye Lash Enhancers
Hair Gels
Sun Screen & Sun Tan Lotions
SPECIAL:Swirls, Dual Products
Special Hot Fill Fillers for Mascara, Deodorant, Lip Balms and more

There are a number of special applications that require that the product remain heated at a constant temperature. These products would quickly congeal and harden if a heated fill temperature were not maintained.
With a Pacific custom filler, running these and other non-heated products is a proven solution that allows customers to maximize line time, production quality and overall efficiency.
In order to maintain a constant temperature, we jacket every component of the filling system — the tank, pump, piping, filling turret and clean in place catch trays.
Personal care manufacturers with higher production speeds select Pacific’s timed-orifice rotary filling machine for its proven flexibility to accommodate a wide range of product viscosities and container sizes.
The flexibility in Pacific’s rotary liquid filler is a result of our Variable Rate of Product Flow system. Most personal care products have very tight profit margins that require customers to maximize their line efficiency. As with every Pacific filler, we do not comprise accuracy, reliability or quality which is your maximum return on investment.
For slower speed requirements, we also provide inline and index filling machines that utilize volumetric filling technology. With our index filling technology, we are able to address small volume applications such as eye mascara, deodorant, lipstick and lip balms.
In order to ensure we do not aerate the product, we always arrange the filling system with our bottom-up fill, positive shutoff nozzles. The bottom-up fill nozzle arrangement offers increased production on fewer stations compared to competing fillers.
All of our filling systems are constructed from 304SS with 316SS options available. The filling machine is designed for Clean-in-Place washing and requires minimal maintenance.
Product Examples
Hair Gels
Lip Sticks and Balms
OTHERS: Candles
Viscous Fillers for Body Scrubs, Creams, Cleansers and more

Pacific Packaging's filling systems are used for a wide variety of personal care products including light to highly viscous products. The most common viscous personal care products include body washes, hand soaps, hand cleaners, hand sanitizers and facial creams.
Where higher production speeds are required, Pacific’s timed-orifice viscous rotary filler is the ideal solution and they are a popular choice with major contract manufacturers. The proven design was introduced when the company was founded in 1962. Today it remains our most simple yet accurate filling system.
The keys to filling viscous products are (1) being able to move the product easily with consistency, (2) being able to maintain a low-pressure operation throughout the filling system, and (3) placing the product into the bottle or jar without aeration pockets.
Pacific solves these design challenges by integrating a positive displacement pump that operates at a constant speed with our rotary timed orifice. The timed-orifice manifold is custom-designed to maintain low pressure flows to our bottom-up fill nozzles. The nozzle technology is also custom-designed for special flow rates in conjunction with the camming system that guarantees the container is always in the proper position relative to the product flow.
Versatile and flexible, Pacific’s viscous fillers are customized to accommodate a wide range of filling systems designed to accurately fill various container sizes, across a range of speeds, with minimal changeover time.
For slower speed requirements, we also provide inline fillers that utilize volumetric pump or flow meter filling technology.
Regardless of whether an inline or rotary filler is best for your production speeds, we arrange the filling machine with our bottom-up fill open flow nozzles. Our viscous fillers typically do not require a supply tank and the pump can be directly fed from your supply system. Special bypass and load balancing systems are incorporated into each pump to facilitate constant flow.
All of our personal care viscous filling systems are constructed from 304SS materials with 316 stainless steel upgrades available. The filling machine is designed for easy Clean-in-Place washing.
Product Examples
Body Scrubs
Facial Creams
Hand Cleaners